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Custom Cigar Boxes

Give your cigars a unique look with custom cigar boxes crafted with the finest materials and attention to detail.These boxes are more than just a storage solution for your cigars; they are a statement of sophistication and elegance.

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Cigar Box Specification

Types of Cigar Boxes

There are two primary types: soft-sided and hard-sided. Soft-sided boxes are typically made of cardboard, while hard-sided boxes are usually made of rigid. Both types of boxes can offer excellent protection for cigars and help preserve their freshness.

Cardboard Cigar Boxes

  • Perfect for holding cigars
  • Sustainable & Economical Solution
  • Durable & Presentable

Rigid Cigar Boxes

  • Comes with inserts to stack cigars properly
  • Provides a luxurious look to your product
  • High-end Durability
  • Increases Shelf-life

Box Styles that go well with cigars

There are various box styles that you can go for, but here are some of the popular ones

  • Sleeves
  • Drawer
  • Boxes with Window
  • Magnetic Closure
  • Two Piece
  • Flip top

Packaging Material For Cigar Boxes

There are various packaging materials that you can use to manufacture your boxes, but the packaging material that goes best with cigars are as follows

  • Card Stock
  • Kraft Stock
  • Rigid Stock

Depending on your product requirements, you can select the packaging material accordingly. For instance, if you want to provide an eco-friendly texture to your packaging, using kraft stock would be the perfect viable option.

Material Thickness:

Choose from three material thickness options to support your cigar boxes:

  • 14pt: Provides a sturdy and reliable option for your packaging needs.
  • 18pt: Strikes a balance between durability and flexibility, ensuring your cigar boxes withstand handling and transportation.
  • 24pt: Offers the utmost durability with heavyweight material, protecting your products during storage and shipping.

Luxurious Cigar Packaging with Stunning Designs

Make your packaging more eye-catching in the tobacco industry by adding some add-ons and finishing. At The Box Printers, we can help you make your packaging more appealing by offering services such as

  • SPOT UV: Adds a subtle sheen to specific areas.
  • Matte: Gives a smooth texture, a dull but classy appearance.
  • Hot Stamp Foiling: Highlights the artwork in specific areas by adding a metallic touch.
  • Gloss: Creates a shiny appearance and reflective effects.
  • Embossing & Debossing: Make a tactile effect by raising or lowering the surface.
  • Soft Touch: Gives a velvety, matte appearance.


A variety of color options, to complement your brand’s look.

  • CMYK: Utilize the CMYK color model for precise color reproduction and vibrant designs.
  • Pantone: Ensure color accuracy and consistency with Pantone matching for your custom hexagon boxes, achieving the exact shades you desire.

You may consider special colors like Metallic Silver or Metallic Gold for a touch of luxury.

Printing Sides:

Select your preferred printing options:

  • Outside Printing only
  • Inside printing only
  •  Printing on both sides
  • No printing

Our selection includes a variety of sizes, colors, and styles to suit every taste and preference. 

Each box features a secure closure to keep your cigars fresh and protected and provides the perfect humidor level for ultimate cigar preservation. In addition to this, explore our line of custom packaging to discover the perfect cigar box to elevate your cigar game. 

Uplift Your Brand by Using Custom Cigar Boxes

Presentation of your cigars is what makes your brand stand out the most, and that can be done by using custom cigar boxes. If you’re looking for a packaging solution that is both presentable and durable, then using these boxes for your elegant cigars is what you need.

Plus, they can also be used as a promotional tool to market your brand to a wider audience. By investing in these custom boxes, you will be able to increase your brand’s visibility and reach a wider audience.

What Makes Custom Cigar Packaging The Right Choice?

Sure, you can use retailed packaging for your cigars, but it won’t help you in branding; this is where customized cardboard cigar boxes come in. Using these boxes, you can customize your packaging as per your brand’s requirements.

Not only this, but you can also create some creative artwork with slang that can help you attract cigar users toward your brand, creating an everlasting impression on their minds.


If you don’t find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us via email and we will be happy to assist.
Do you offer logo printing on the boxes?

Yes. Love cigars? Love your logo, too? Now you can have both. Our cigar boxes are custom made using the art or logo of your choice. Whether it’s your company logo or a personal design, we can help you get noticed—in style.
How can I order custom cigar box printing online?

First, enter the design and size of your box. You can also select how many boxes you want to print. Then, you can either choose from one of our pre-made templates or upload your own design. We will send you a sample template for free! Once you approve it, we will print your box as soon as possible. All orders are shipped for free within the United States!
Are there any box designing charges?

No. We don’t charge anything extra for the box designing. Our graphic design support is totally free of cost. We just charge you an overall fee for the box printing and manufacturing, 
What’s this service about?

What makes custom cigar boxes “custom”? The fact that they’re made to your specifications: we can customize the size and design of your boxes to make them exactly what you need for your product.

How long does it typically take to process my orders?
Our manufacturing process usually spans 8 to 10 business days, with an additional 2 to 3 days for shipping. Please note that exceptions may apply for rush orders.

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